Cinema program "Missing Link" in Berlin
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"Missing Link"
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Runtime: 95 min.
Directed by: Chris Butler
Cast: Zoe Saldana, Hugh Jackman, Timothy Olyphant
Full of humor and crazy adventures tale of a crazy adventurer and his amazing friend who does not officially exist smile
In the Polish language version in the title role PIOTR ADAMCZYK!
Charismatic Sir Lionel Frost is the most successful tracker of myths and monsters in the world. In any case, it is considered the same. The problem is that he enjoys the reputation of a freaked-out freak rather than a respectable scientist. No wonder, then, that he will gladly take the opportunity to prove to the whole world what Indiana Jones is.
On the postal invitation of an intriguing stranger, he sets off into the wilderness of North America to find and reveal the most mysterious of mythical beings - the missing link, the closest ancestor of a man also called the Great Foot. The adventure hunter will make two extraordinary discoveries upon arrival.
First of all: the invitation was a trick.
Secondly: its author is ... unfortunately we can not reveal this.
Together with him, Sir Lionel sets off on a journey of adventure, to make a much larger discovery than he ever could have dreamed of!