
Cinema program "Aquarius" in Berlin

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Movie poster Aquarius
Original title: Aquarius
Runtime: 146 min.

Directed by: Kleber Mendonca Filho
Cast: Julia Bernat, Sonia Braga, Humberto Carrao

The reverence of film festivals around the world, as well as the last Cannes festival. In the lead role of Sonia Braga ("Kiss of a Spider Woman").

Clara, a 65-year-old widow and retired music critic, came from a traditional family in the coastal city of Recife in northeastern Brazil. The woman is the last resident of Aquarius, the original two-storey building built in the 1940s for the high school.

All neighborhood apartments were acquired by a company that has other plans for a plot. Clara does not intend to move out, so she is involved in a cold war with the developer.

The tension caused by the conflict destroys the tranquility of the heroine, but also precipitates her from her daily routine and makes her think about the past and future.

Average rate: 8.0
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Movie trailer: Aquarius

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