
Belle et Sebastien 3

Directed by: Clovis Cornillac

Cinema program "Belle et Sebastien 3" in Berlin

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Movie poster Bella i Sebastian 3
Original title: Belle et Sebastien 3
Runtime: 97 min.

Directed by: Clovis Cornillac
Cast: Félix Bossuet, Tcheky Karyo, Clovis Cornillac

Another part of the great adventure series, which in Polish cinemas has already been watched by over half a million viewers of all ages.

This time brave Sebastian must defend Bella and her puppies from a bad man who claims to be their rightful owner.

Ever since Bella gave birth to beautiful and healthy puppies, Sebastian is overjoyed. Dogs named Atos, Portos and Aramis grow like a yeast and the shaggy family brings a lot of joy every day. Unfortunately, this happiness will soon be broken by a stranger who will appear in the village demanding the devotion of Bella and her children. He claims that he is its rightful owner, and although he looks bad from his eyes, the court must admit that he is right. Sebastian is heartbroken, but he does not intend to give up. Under the cover of the night, he escapes into the mountains in the company of his beloved poochs. Their trail is followed by a mysterious stranger, and what's worse is the collapse of the weather ...

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Movie trailer: Belle et Sebastien 3

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