
Cinema program "Czuwaj" in Berlin

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Movie poster Czuwaj
Original title: Czuwaj

Directed by: Robert Gliński
Cast: Leszek Lichota, Mateusz Więcławek, Magdalena Wieczorek

Thriller taking place in the teens' world of the Internet and social media era.

Two groups of young people from different worlds, representing two different
value systems are opposed to each other as a result of being risky
adult decisions. What was supposed to be a lesson in responsibility and tolerance
turns into a hard fight for leadership. On the one hand
faith in noble ideals, and on the other, the brutal law of a stronger one. Relations
between young people become tense; isolated from the outside
world, reveal their real, shocking faces.

This is the next step after the "Suicide Room" on the way in search of the truth
about what directs young people today. A contemporary attempt to bring
dramatic questions in the spirit of the famous "Lord of the Flies", of which
heroes are standing at the threshold of adulthood.

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Movie trailer: Czuwaj

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