
Dzień dobry, kocham cię!

Directed by: Ryszard Zatorski

Cinema program "Dzień dobry, kocham cię!" in Berlin

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Movie poster Dzień dobry, kocham cię!

Directed by: Ryszard Zatorski
Cast: Barbara Kurdej-Szatan, Aleksy Komorowski, Olga Bołądź, Olga Frycz

Hilarious and full of surprising twists and turns the story of two young people whose lives are following a chance meeting and equally unexpected parting; search for love in the heart of the big city, until the final at ... perverse aisle.

The producers of the new film "Breakfast in bed" and "It's not what you think, honey," and director Richard Zator, the author of the biggest blockbusters of recent years "Just love me", "Why not!" "Never!" - For first time in the lead roles on the big screen - gets the most popular Polish blonde, Barbara Kurdej-Satan and serialowy hunk Alexei Komorowski ("Everything in front of us," "Silence of the backwater"). Miłosnemu duo accompanied by: Olga Boladz ("Flying Pigs", "Over the life", "Girl of the closet"), Pawel Domagala ("80000000", "screwing"), Anna Dereszowska ("Ladies", "Never Say Never" "Blind Date"), Luke Garlicki ("The guy (not) needed immediately", "Ugly"), Veronica Książkiewicz ("The Usual Suspects in love", "Los numeros", "How Much Does the Trojan Horse Weigh?") and Maciej Musial ("My pole", "Baby Are there any other", "").

Simon (Alexei Komorowski) is a handsome, athletic and works as a doctor in one of the private clinics in Warsaw, where he sigh for both the patient and the female part of the staff. Najwytrwalsza in these efforts is a nurse Pati (Książkiewicz), but her advances are not doing any impression on Simon. Heart hero soften only beautiful and witty lover roller skating - Basia (Kurdej-Satan), a worker corporations, which the boy falls - quite literally - on the street. A series of unfortunate coincidences makes young lose contact and hope that ever meet again. Meanwhile Basia catches the eye of playboy Leon (Luke Garlicki), who got an ultimatum from her parents. Either you marry quickly, or he will be disinherited.

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Movie trailer: Dzień dobry, kocham cię!

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