
Cinema program "Kamper" in Berlin

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Movie poster Kamper
Original title: Kamper
Runtime: 89 min.

Directed by: Łukasz Grzegorzek
Cast: Piotr Żurawski, Marta Nieradkiewicz, Jacek Braciak

A pair of thirty-year, once in love with a crazy, now have to decide whether the next step in life do together or separately.
You know them. A pair of thirty-year, once in love with a crazy, now have to decide whether the next step in life do together or separately. Mania and Kamper. She is ambitious, hardworking and capable. She loves cooking and wants to devote himself to his passion for good. He is the eternal boy, who works as a tester of computer games and appreciates their lives without any major obligations. When in her life appears a mature man, a recognized chef and the epitome of success, Mania will begin to wonder if it attracts more carefree charm of her husband. Are you sure you want to spend the rest of my life with him? Kamper must embrace. However, starts of fiery romance with a Spanish teacher.
"Camper" is a modern, honest and unpretentious comedy about contemporary trzydziestolatkach. The debut of Luke Grzegorzek is a touching and humorous story of love and fear of adulthood, while captivating story about building a sense of security and sudden executions of the ground under their feet. The creators of "camper" pose key questions for a generation that is not afraid to admit that he has everything and does not know what to do with it. Famously guided the actors enliven the story of the awakening of nature pleasant nostalgia. "Camper" is a story about the confrontation of different perspectives, so the soundtrack hits Zbigniew Wodecki and Maanam intertwine with new, inspired by a film, a piece of Pezet, legends of Polish hip-hop and the music composed by Black HIFI. All these elements make up the sensational and light film full of authentic emotions.

Average rate: 6.0
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IMDb© rate: Kamper on IMDb

Movie trailer: Kamper

Your comments

Jerry 2. October 2016, 9:22

Po prostu Polska komedia po prostu nie ma się z czego śmiać ...

sarmat 28. July 2016, 15:33

Lekki ale z sensem. Faktycznie humor nie naciągany, naturalny. Akcja nie jest dynamiczna ale to jest chyba styl kina nieteledyskowego, który wolę. Muzyka dobra, przy czym na przyszłość sugerowałbym nieco większe jej natężenie, szczególnie przy dłuższych scenach. Ogólnie, warto zobaczyć, szczególnie w wakacyjnym czasie.

polcia 17. July 2016, 19:10

Film dotkliwie rozprawiający się z małym poczuciem odpowiedzialności pokolenia 30-latków.Życie chwilą,bez ponoszenia konsekwencji,mądre kino,polecam pod rozwagę pokoleniu bohaterów.

ona 17. July 2016, 13:26


Ja_cool 17. July 2016, 6:22

No nawet nawet :-) Świetny film. Czyżby powiew świeżości w polskim kinie? Brawo dla reżysera. Dobrana fajna muzyka. Polecam 7-7,5/10.

rn 16. July 2016, 17:10

Jesli ten film wniesie cos w czyjes zycie to napiszcie prosze. Bo tak sie zastanawiam PO CO nakrecono ten film. Moze ktos cos podpowie...

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