
Kobiety bez wstydu

Directed by: Witold Orzechowski

Cinema program "Kobiety bez wstydu" in Berlin

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Movie poster Kobiety bez wstydu
Original title: Kobiety bez wstydu

Directed by: Witold Orzechowski
Cast: Joanna Liszowska, Weronika Książkiewicz, Michał Lesień

The most beautiful stars of Polish cinema in saturated sensual erotic comedy about a guy who found a way to women.

Endowed with a magnetic effect on the fair sex Peter quits his job as a waiter in Vienna and Krakow family opens the practice of psychoanalysis. No matter that he lacked the qualifications and experience. His office "only for women" every day is bursting at the seams, and his bedroom is experiencing a real siege. Women with delight betray him their most intimate secrets, and he gets caught up not only in the intricacies of their minds and hearts, but also quite real life adventures. Again it turns out that women in love can be just as charming as dangerous

Average rate: 3.0
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Movie trailer: Kobiety bez wstydu

Your comments

Jolka 3. August 2016, 20:49

Totalna porażka, dawno nie widziałam tak beznadziejnej filmu

Ona 30. July 2016, 22:36

Tragedia.. Masakra. Dawno nie oglądałam tak głupiego filmu.

P 26. July 2016, 20:43

Bardzo słaby film. Szkoda czasu i pieniędzy.

Makusiana 25. July 2016, 20:40

Żenada, dno, brak słów! Myślałam, że film "Ciacho" bądź "Kac Wawa" są beznadziejnie żenujące. Ale na tle tego filmu wypadają dużo lepiej. Nie polecam. Na 10 osób w kinie wyszły 4....ja z trudem wysiedziałam do końca.

Szymon 24. July 2016, 12:28

Beznadzieja.Szkoda czasu i pieniędzy na ten chłam .Gniot.Odradzam

DL 23. July 2016, 10:13

Film bez akcji, szkoda czasu

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