
Królewicz Olch

Directed by: Kuba Czekaj

Cinema program "Królewicz Olch" in Berlin

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Movie poster Królewicz Olch
Original title: Królewicz Olch
Runtime: 101 min.

Directed by: Kuba Czekaj
Cast: Agnieszka Podsiadlik, Sebastian Łach, Emilia Stachurska

Original, visually stunning and captivating film by Kubia Czekaj, one of the most interesting Polish creators of the young generation!

The exceptionally talented boy is the eye of the overbearing mother. Their bond is unbreakable, they are together against the whole world. But it's only a semblance ... While he wants to be just a teenager, his mother forces him to participate in an international science competition. When he dreams of his friends and first girl, she carries them to another city to study at university. Everything changes when a man suddenly appears in their lives, and the teenage genius is no longer the center of the universe.

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Movie trailer: Królewicz Olch

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