Cinema program "Marie Curie" in Berlin
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"Marie Curie"
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Runtime: 100 min.
Directed by: Marie Noelle
Cast: Karolina Gruszka, Arieh Worthalter, Charles Berling
"Marie Curie" is sumptuous, the international co-production about the life of famous Polish Nobel Prize winner. The story of an extraordinary woman who did not hesitate to follow his heart, and with intelligence, knowledge and skills overwhelming managed to convince the world of science has always been dominated by men. It is also a unique journey back in time to the turn of the century Paris - the city of art and discoveries that changed the world. In the title role in the film starred Karolina Gruszka. Partnered her among Iza Kuna as Bronisławy Sklodowska - sisters Nobel Prize winner, Piotr Glowacki as Albert Einstein, Jan Frycz as Ernest Solvay - founder of the International Institute of Physics and Daniel Olbrychski as Emile Amagat - a staunch opponent of Mary. World premiere of the film "Marie Curie" was held at the International Film Festival in Toronto. In November 2016 the picture was in the prestigious main competition of the International Festival of the Art of Cinematography - Camerimage. In contrast, 20 January 2017 found honored with the most important German film awards - Bavarian Film Awards - for Best Director and Best Production Design. In Polish cinemas movie will visit on March 3.
"Marie Curie" is faithful to the facts of the story of the amazing life of the discoverer of two elements - polonium and radium, but also a portrait Sklodowska, which we did not know - tender mother, a loving wife, a woman charismatic, decisive, though full of dilemmas and contradictions. She was the first woman to win the Nobel Prize and so far remains the only woman highlighted this award twice. As the first in Europe, he was awarded the title of doctor, and in 1906 was awarded the professorship and at the same time took his own chair at the Sorbonne in Paris that France was an unprecedented event.
But the road to fame led a path full of challenges and sacrifices. To fulfill the mission for humanity Sklodowska faced with loneliness in a foreign country and unexpected death of her husband. And also to defend their arguments in the scientific world dominated by men. With exciting and full of twists battle, but came out victorious, as a person worthy of emulation, worthy of admiration and outstanding in every way. He has become the most influential woman of his time. About the Albert Einstein had said that all successful people, she alone did not change under the influence of fame.
Movie trailer: Marie Curie
Your comments
Jutro wybieramy sie w duzej grupie kolezanek i kolegow z pracy do kina na ten film; tak, po prostu w ten sposob chcemy rozpoczac trzeci weekend marca. Ciekawi jestemy przezyc ! Ja osobiscie widzialem K. Gruszke na planie tego; grala znakomicie !
GM Łódź
Bardzo dobry film, cudowna Karolina Gruszka idealna do tej roli:) fajnie opowiedziana historia kobiety która kochała to co robi i z oddaniem i pasja poświęciła się nauce i walce o to aby kobieta w męskim świecie została doceniona!Warto zobaczyć ten film!
Piękny film.Cudne obrazki z
tamtej epoki.
Nawet nie myślałam, ze tak
pieknie Iza Kuna bedzie
wyglądac- niczym Barbara
A wypowiedzi Skłodowskiej
o nauce niczym poezja....wprost
niesamowite :)
własnie wybieramy się na ten film. 3 osoby dorosłe wiek: 50 66-70!
Film dobrze zagrany. Ukazuje Noblistkę-kobietę,pasjonatkę, matkę. Film rekomendowany jest od 13 lat, ale uważam że na poziomie gimnazjum będzie on odebrany jako nudny, długi, bez zwrotów akcji. Na sali widownia 30+ i wtedy OK.
Film na pewno nie dla każdego. To nie rozrywka na sobotni wieczór z popcornem i puszką coli. Mnie się podobał,a K. Gruszka to dla mnie właśnie MSC.
Bardzo dobry film. Biografia. Pokazuje pozycje kobiet w tamtych czasach. I świetna gra zwłaszcza Karoliny Gruszki.
Powtarzając za Szekspirem - Wiele hałasu o nic.
Jestem fanem Skłodowskiej i jej osiągnięć. Film niestety dla wytrwałych. Ja przespałem połowę filmu :-(
Świetny film ,bardzo dobrze zagrany.Jeśli jednak ktoś szuka taniej rozrywki to lepiej niech idzie na Polandię lub Porady na zdrady.