

Directed by: Tadeusz Śliwa

Cinema program "(Nie)znajomi" in Berlin

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Movie poster (Nie)znajomi
Original title: (Nie)znajomi
Runtime: 103 min.

Directed by: Tadeusz Śliwa
Cast: Tomasz Kot, Maja Ostaszewska, Aleksandra Domańska

By the end of the meeting, everyone must reveal incoming messages on their phones, and calls are to be made in a hands-free mode. As we can expect, this pleasant evening will turn their world upside down.

The film stars: Tomasz Kot, Maja Ostaszewska, Aleksandra Domańska, Michał Żurawski, Kasia Smutniak, Łukasz Simlat and Wojtek Żołądkowicz. The film was directed by Tadeusz Śliwa. The authors of the script adaptation are Katarzyna Sarnowska and Tadeusz Śliwa.

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Movie trailer: (Nie)znajomi

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