

Directed by: Paweł Sala

Cinema program "Niewidzialne" in Berlin

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Movie poster Niewidzialne
Original title: Niewidzialne
Runtime: 97 min.

Directed by: Paweł Sala
Cast: Natalia Rybicka, Aleksandra Popławska, Sandra Korzeniak

There are human moans, cries and cries from under the old sewing room. The streak on the curved wall takes on more and more disturbing shapes. In the dustbin in the yard a macabre secret is discovered.

All this is seen by three seamstresses working in the basement of an old tenement house. Each of them has a different attitude and hides a dark secret. They are accompanied by Krojczy - a boy after philosophical studies trying to earn a living in this way and the mysterious Maria Miracle, who claims to provide "seven keys of happiness."

Seamstresses are "invisible" to society, exploited by an absent employer. Almost slave labor gives them sense of sense and social affiliation, although it does not bring income. They have an almost animal instinct for their own animal. What awaits them when they allow themselves to cross the border of humility?

Invisible film adaptation of the drama "Szwaczki" by Paweł Sali, which premiered in 2006 at the Silesian Theater. Stanisław Wyspiański in Katowice.

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Movie trailer: Niewidzialne

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