
Garden Store: Deserter

Zahradnictvi: Dezerter
Directed by: Jan Hrebejk

Cinema program "Garden Store: Deserter" in Berlin

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Movie poster Ogród rodzinny. Dezerter
Original title: Zahradnictvi: Dezerter
Runtime: 100 min.

Directed by: Jan Hrebejk
Cast: Filip Brezina, Karel Dobry, Anna Fialova

Comedy-drama "Dezerter" is the second part of the trilogy "Family Garden". Czechoslovakia, Prague, 1947. Rescued from the camp, Otto returns to his wife and son. He reopens his family business: the hair salon "Valentino". The idyll, however, does not last long. People's power interferes more and more in social life. A private salon employee, a young communist, decides to take Otto away from his living room. The exchange of places follows the current class struggle. Otto, his wife and her sisters become employees. Karlík, Oton's 8-year-old son, decides to bring justice.

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Movie trailer: Garden Store: Deserter

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