
Pomiędzy słowami

Directed by: Urszula Antoniak

Cinema program "Pomiędzy słowami" in Berlin

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Movie poster Pomiędzy słowami
Original title: Pomiędzy słowami
Runtime: 81 min.

Directed by: Urszula Antoniak
Cast: Jakub Gierszał, Andrzej Chyra, Christian Lober, Justyna Wasilewska

Black and white masterpiece of Urszula Antoniak with great roles of Jakub Gierszała and Andrzej Chyra.

Michael is 28 years old. He is Polish, a lawyer who speaks German fluently, lives and works in Berlin. Berlin offers him diversity, future and success. Michael consciously becomes part of a multicultural metropolis, and sees the break of ties with Poland as an opportunity to find and shape himself. One day he meets his father, whom he has never seen before and spends the weekend with him. These few days will become Michael's journey in search of himself.

Average rate: 6.0
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Movie trailer: Pomiędzy słowami

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