

Directed by: Dany Boon

Cinema program "Supercondriaque" in Berlin

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Original title: Supercondriaque
Runtime: 107 min.

Directed by: Dany Boon
Cast: Dany Boon, Alice Pol, Kad Merad

The most popular French comedy since "The Untouchables". Almost 6 million viewers in France, more than such hits as "The Hobbit: Smaug Wasteland" or "Land of Ice".
Romain Faubert is 40 years old and is healthy as a fish. The problem is that he does not want to believe it. Worse - is convinced that his body is a tangle of bacteria, viruses and all kinds of diseases. This would be his private problem, if not for the fact that his mania for ruining the lives of the only friend - Dr. Zvenki. The good physician must strike every day from the head of Romain another imaginary illness, and their sick relationship goes far beyond the doctor's office. Romain able to visit your doctor without notice during surgery, during a family celebration or at home in the middle of the night. Measure fumbling in the end, when the usual dying Romain begins to declare a very vivid feeling for the sisters doctor. Zvenka does not share the view that love is the cure for everything. Introduces the effect its plan to cure a hypochondriac. Plan as easy as rehabilitation Hannibal Lecter ...
Doctor-patient relationship was not as funny since the "Analyze".

Average rate: 7.0
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