
Wspomnienie lata

Directed by: Adam Guziński

Cinema program "Wspomnienie lata" in Berlin

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Movie poster Wspomnienie lata
Original title: Wspomnienie lata
Runtime: 87 min.

Directed by: Adam Guziński
Cast: Max Jastrzębski, Urszula Grabowska, Robert Więckiewicz

The end of the 70s in Poland. The holiday buzz of the suburban bathing area blends with the sounds of Anna Jantar's hit. "Memory of Summer" is an intimate journey to the passing world of childhood seen through the eyes of 12-year-old Piotrek. Under the influence of the changing relationship with the mother and the first infatuation, the boy must confront himself with completely new feelings, make the first adult choices and face their consequences.

Subtle pictures of Adam Sikora, the acting creations of Urszula Grabowska and Robert Więckiewicz and the award-winning Off Camera Festival - Max Jastrzębski as Piotrek make the film by Adam Guziński an extremely suggestive, but at the same time balanced picture of the child's complex emotions.

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Movie trailer: Wspomnienie lata

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