
The Shamer's Daughter II - The Serpent Gift

Skammerens datter II: Slangens Gave
Directed by: Ask Hasselbalch

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Movie poster Wszystkowidząca 2
Original title: Skammerens datter II: Slangens Gave
Runtime: 103 min.

Directed by: Ask Hasselbalch
Cast: Jakob Oftebro, Allan Hyde, Anders Hove

The second part of the adventures of Dina, who inherited from her mother the magical power of extracting the deepest secrets from people. This time, the All-Seeing must save his family with the help of his newly met father. But the problem is that the father is a master of black magic with the power to make people see and believe things that are not real. It is time for Dina to finally accept her power and overcome distrust of her father. This is the only way she can save her family.

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IMDb© rate: Wszystkowidząca 2 on IMDb

Movie trailer: The Shamer's Daughter II - The Serpent Gift

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