

Directed by: Ryszard Bugajski

Cinema program "Blindness" in Berlin

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Movie poster Zaćma
Original title: Zaćma
Runtime: 110 min.

Directed by: Ryszard Bugajski
Cast: Maria Mamona, Małgorzata Zajączkowska, Janusz Gajos

The second half of the year. 50. Julia Brystygierowa called "Bloody Luna," a former female officer of the Ministry of Security. There, as head of the Department of owianego infamous V, personally and with sadistic ferocity tortured political prisoners. Famous for its denunciations to the NKVD, not sparing his party comrades. Now, looking for spiritual advice, applying for a private audience with Cardinal Stefan Wyszynski (Marek Kalita). However, before the meeting with the head of the Church, Brystygierowa will have to convince their arguments blinded priest (Janusz Gajos), and suffering from a crisis of faith nun (Margaret Zajączkowska).

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Movie trailer: Blindness

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